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Introducing Eenovators, Spark Energy Services latest development partner

Spark was created by Camco to support energy efficiency and captive generation initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa’s commercial and industrial (C&I) sector - and works with its development partners to help them overcome many of the financial and technical barriers that they face. So far, we have introduced four of Spark’s six existing DPs, and this week we’re shining the spotlight on Eenovators Ltd, the Kenya-based energy efficiency specialists. With an experienced team that has worked across multi-sector industries in several African countries, Eenovators delivers practical solutions to C&I businesses to maximise operational efficiency, reduce energy costs and help cut greenhouse gas emissions. Founded in 2013, Eenovators Ltd has a mission to "conserve the future of humankind" by implementing energy saving and clean energy consumption initiatives. It works to achieve its mission by harnessing innovative, agile and creative ideas directed towards providing technically appropriate and reliable solutions that meet its clients’ needs. Its products and services include carrying out high-standard energy audits; providing energy management systems that enable proper energy monitoring and validation of energy saving efforts; digitisation of energy management via its real-time energy monitoring solution, Eagles Energy Management Portal; and promoting clean energy initiatives and training. Eenovators has worked with some of the biggest companies operating across the region, including Coca-Cola, Barclays and Sarova Hotels. Through Spark providing up to 100% upfront financing for the installation and maintenance of on-site renewable energy and energy efficiency equipment for their C&I clients, we are excited to help the business grow further and to deliver on its impressive pipeline of projects. ► Want to find out more about your company’s energy footprint? Eenovators offers a free desktop survey to build an initial report based on your current energy consumption and the potential energy cost and carbon savings you could achieve by adopting energy efficiency measures. Find out more on the company website here:


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