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21 ene2 Min. de lectura
Cómo aprovechar el potencial energético de Zambia: recomendaciones para el sector privado
Crédito de la imagen: Standard Microgrid Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de un nuevo informe técnico coescrito por Camco y la ...
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21 ene2 Min. de lectura
Camco firma un acuerdo de actividad financiado por 50 millones de dólares con el Fondo Verde para el Clima
Camco signs USD 50m funding activity agreement with the Green Climate Fund
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21 ene2 Min. de lectura
El Reino Unido y Nueva Zelanda prometen 23,9 millones de libras esterlinas para apoyar el fondo de financiación combinada de Camco para el PacÃfico
Un fondo de financiación combinada creado por Camco para catalizar el desarrollo de energÃa limpia en el PacÃfico ha conseguido un...
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21 ene6 Min. de lectura
Camco achieves first close on REPP 2 blended finance fund with USD 185 million in total commitments
PRESS RELEASE London, 9 December: Â Climate and impact fund manager Camco has reached first close on USD 107 million for its new REPP 2...
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9 feb 20241 Min. de lectura
Spark closes initial equity round with new USD 1.5m investment from Fortis Green Renewables
Investment manager Fortis Green Renewables has confirmed an investment of USD 1.5m in Spark Energy Services (Spark), the innovative...
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9 feb 20241 Min. de lectura
Camco-managed REPP publishes impact-focused annual report
The transformational impact being achieved through the Camco-managed Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) is highlighted in its...
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9 feb 20242 Min. de lectura
Solar power installation bears fruit for citrus farmer in South Africa
A prominent citrus producer and exporter in South Africa has turned to captive solar power to reduce its dependence on the country’s...
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14 dic 20231 Min. de lectura
Camco stalwart to embark on prominent new role at Green Climate Fund
General Counsel Karl Upston-Hooper will be replaced by Aili Judström.
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14 jul 20222 Min. de lectura
Industry experts to advise on TIDES blended finance platform
Camco has assembled an advisory board of industry experts with significant local and climate finance experience for its blended finance...
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29 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
Camco to speak on enhancing private participation at high-level Pacific energy event
Camco is honoured to be delivering a joint presentation on enhancing private participation in renewable energy financing at a meeting of...
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27 jun 20222 Min. de lectura
Online forum aims to raise women's profile in SIDS's renewable energy sector
Women are imperative to Small Island Developing States’ clean energy future and for building islands’ resilience to climate change. But...
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27 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
Camco’s impact set out in new microsite
Camco Clean Energy has published its latest impact report, detailing its contribution to the clean energy transition and global...
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27 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
Camco welcomes new analyst from Ukraine
We are delighted to welcome Yuliia Uhorska, who has moved from Ukraine to join Camco as an analyst based in Helsinki and London. Before...
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27 jun 20222 Min. de lectura
Camco welcomes new Investment Director
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Brian Lukera Wambani, who joins Camco this week as our new Investment Director. Brian will be...
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27 jun 20223 Min. de lectura
Camco-managed REPP passes one million connections milestone
More than one million people in Sub-Saharan Africa have been connected to electricity for the first time through the UK-funded REPP.
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27 jun 20223 Min. de lectura
Camco teams up with EPP to support renewable energy development in vulnerable African states
Dar es Salaam, 18 May 2022: Climate and impact fund manager Camco Clean Energy has partnered with Energy Peace Partners (EPP) to manage...
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