Coastal Bottlers, Kenya - Phase 2
Coca-Cola bottling company gets clean energy upgrade
A 400kWp rooftop solar PV installation at Coastal Bottlers’ plant in Mombasa, Kenya, is helping the soft drinks bottler to transition one of its PET production lines to a cleaner and more affordable source of energy.
The installation, which was funded by Spark and carried out by sustainable energy developer Safi Power, was commissioned in October 2022 and is expected to generate ~600MWh of renewable energy a year. Over the lifetime of the solar panels this is expected to lead to more than 8,000 tonnes of avoided greenhouse gas emissions and provide a like-for-like reduction in Coastal Bottlers’ power costs of more than 25%.
The installation is the second of three phases of a wider clean energy upgrade at Coastal Bottlers’ Mombasa plant, with the first phase - commissioned in August 2020 – seeing the transition of the company’s administrative block and wastewater treatment plant to solar power.
In the latest phase, Coastal Bottlers - which has been operating for the last 60 years and is one of Coca-Cola’s oldest bottlers in Kenya - employed Nairobi-based Safi Power to identify and implement an on-site power generation solution to reduce carbon emissions and streamline operating costs. By transitioning an entire PET production line to solar energy, Coastal Bottlers has taken a significant step towards achieving its ambitious climate action targets.
As of January 2023, the Coastal Bottlers installation was Spark's largest funded installation to date, bringing the aggregate installed capacity of Spark-funded projects to 550kWp, in addition to the provision of multiple energy efficiency installations.
Earlier in 2022, Safi Power completed a 90kWp solar rooftop installation with Spark funding at a paper manufacturing plant in Jula’s industrial area, near Nairobi.
Find out more about Safi Power at www.safi-power.com.
See also:
Bottling company embarks on energy efficiency drive (Coastal Bottlers, Kenya - Phase 3)